Cesar Millan meeting

1-10-2009 I finally met Cesar Millan. He is who inspired me to become a dog trainer. He said to me "To live in the moment, and do what my heart was meant to do". He is an amazing man saving the lives of dogs that are just confused about what us humans want. -Hera
Oh, Charlie!

This is the reason to be sure to puppy proof all area's your dog will be in. Beautiful Charlie became green after chewing on some oil paint, and cost a pretty penny to have his stomach pumped.
Masha, Chai, Rocky, Rein, Majestic, Luna, and friends!
Right now Rein and Luna Remain.
The rest of my beloved fur kids are now over the rainbow bridge.
Photos of them all I am sharing with you.
Bit Joined our family 1/11/2021
My Current dogs Rein and Bit. Both Border Collies.